Masaya Matsuura, creator of PaRappa the Rapper, talks about his newest game, Major Minor’s Majestic Marck, as well as his thoughts on music game.
Marching To His Own Drummer: Masaya Matsuura’s Thoughts
Category Archives: Inspiration
Interview with Masaya Matsuura
Flash Game Designers on Music Games
I have came across a lot of music games done by Coolio Niato on Newground and Addicting Games. Some of the ideas are quite creative.
I haven’t been able to find his website, and it’s not until recently when I found an interview of him here:
Keeping the beat with Coolio Niato on Armor Blog
How I wish I found this earlier (Oh wait, it’s done at the beginning this year, huh?) It looks like he is into the idea of hybriding music games with other game genres as well. The one I remember most is Music In Motion, a musicial platformer game I’ve mentioned earlier.
I also found out that another game of his, Rhythmworld, allows users to use any song from Newground Audio portal and make a level for it. The beatmapping is done by handsyncing (manually tapping to the music).
Why DJ Hero Can’t Save Music Games
An article about DJ Hero compared to Guitar Hero and Rockband. The articles, as well as many of the comments on it, provides some interesting insight as to what makes one want to pick up a music game.
Opinion: Why DJ Hero Can’t Save Music Games
by Leigh Alexander
Some Articles on Interactive Music Videos
“Hell Is For Interactive Music Video” on Blogeristics
I’m interested in how it mentioned that other than the web, interactive TV utilizing setup-boxs is another option.
“Red or Dead” by Owen Gibson
How to Create an Interactive Music Video by Thomas Baekdal
A list of things that isn’t commonly found in interactive music videos these days.
osu! – Tribute game to Ouendan and EBA
osu! is a tribute game to Osu! Tadake! Ouendan! and Elite Beat Agents from the NDS. It’s playable on PC and takes over the original game’s game mechanic. Further yet, players can make their own customized stage with their own choice of song.
Unlike in the original game, in osu! the background visuals can either be a still image or a pre-rendered video. Indication of the palyer’s performance, failure, and fever/combo becomes the responsiblity of the gauge UI.
LBP Machinima – Guitar Hero Parady
I was looking around for Machinima that is done under Rockband or Guitar Hero. I ended up coming across this thing:
Which reminds me, Little Big Planet offers a set of character animations which can be evoked with different controller commands. Not sure how I’d use that to make an music video, though. Having the music playing on the side by the TV perhaps?
Impetus – free write
My thesis is a music rhythm game which plays with the idea of mash-up, remixing, and game as a medium of expression and performance. The game consists of two sides: the game stages of music/rhythm puzzles, and the remix studio. The stages are mini-games that serves as experimental grounds for the types of input that can be connected to character performance or environmental animations. Each stage should be mini-games that appeal to causual gamer and take less than 3 minutes to complete. Stages that are cleared will have its sound and animation elements available in the remix studio. In the remix studio, users can remix a song with the sound and animation from cleared stages.
I would like to start by making this game that utilizes the Wii controllers on a PC.
That took a long time. Time to enter the fast lane.
I worked as a computer software programmer for nearly 3 years. I deal mostly with the computer graphics aspects. I also have worked for an online company for awhile, during which time I am also introduced to a lot of board games.
When I’m not working, I doodle. A lot of them are fan art, though sometimes original characters appears as well. I post them online, and I look for other fanarts that I like as well. I go to a lot of the doujinshi conventions in Taiwan, and even met others at work who are also into this sort of activities. Recently, I’m also starting to pay attention to fan vids, especially those handdrawn by the creators themselves. Even though the techniques can be really rustic, the works of an amateur are still interesting for me to observe what works in animation and what doesn’t.
I have also been a gamer for a long time. Up until recently, I mostly play role playing games (particularly JRPG) and simulation games (The Sims, as one example). Recently, I’m also got into music rhythm games such as Ouendan and Taiko no Tatsujin. After that, I started looking into Rockband, Guitar Hero, and Rhythm Heaven, as well as Flash games of the rhythm genre.
I wanted to do something related to fandom at first, but some research papers also informed me that fandom creation can sometimes be a private matter and relies heavily on user content. An interesting idea that keeps on popping up in a lot of fandom studies, however, is the idea of decontextualizing snippets of the original work into something new.
I came to Parsons because the work of being an in-house software engineer is starting to get dreary with no relevant challenges for me as a programmer, not to mention I also have other non-programming projects I wanted to do, too. Hopefully it will get me a job where I don’t have to feel ashamed or guilty for being an Otaku.
Pirate Baby’s Cabana Battle Street Fight
This looks like machinima, but appearantly isn’t. Paul Robertson has blurred the distinction between game and animation as mediums of expressions.
Most of the so-called cute stuff becomes gruesome and disturbing, and there is a hint of anti-cooperate in it as well. Otherwise, a lot of elements typically found in fighting games can be found here as well. The two heros and the girl shares a bond often found in other shonen mangas, and the majority of the animation could very well be a gameplay for any side-scrolling, beat-you-up fighting game. (I also couldn’t help notice how the two heros came out intact after all the bloodiness they went through.)
There are also lots of references to action stars and heroes, especially when one of the heroes launches his special attack. Can’t say I recognize all of them :b
Drum Circle
I went to the drumming circle today – with my Chinese waist drum~ Yay~
The drumming circle is led by Amir Alan Vahab, who was interviewed by a Turkish TV Show today as well.
The group emphasize on drum healing and spirituality. I at first wasn’t sure how I’d fit into this, since I realized on arrival that the group’s emphasis is on music from the Middle East.
By the end, I’d have to say I did have fun. There are people of different levels of expertise in the group. What we do is having one person choose a song or rhythm, and the others join in. The leader specifically told us not to worry about technicalities. I, for one, mainly follow other people’s drumming, though later on I eventually took on my own beating pattern.
The others seemed excited to see my waist drum (which I got in Chengdu, China. The Pearl store in Chinatown also sell these in a much higher price). They even played around with it and came up with new ways to perform with it; that includes different ways of sticking and playing with hand, like a Djembe. It was also then when I learnt that the two sides of this drum have different tunes (takes a pro to find that out).
Dead Fantasy
Here’s a fan animation produced by Monty Oum. It’s a crossover animation between the games Dead and Alive and Final Fantasy.
This work has 5 installments now, and there is sort of a “studio” set up, too. When they first started, the animators actually used models done by others. The real job was animating the characters and camera (which is awesome, nonetheless.)