A group that does what others might call “serious games” or “artgames”. Seems to enjoy poking on what is politically incorrect XD
Category Archives: Game Design
The Sound Walk
The Sound Walk on Newground
The game is made by cccplay.
It’s pretty similar with what I’m doing with “Divine Beats – Night at the Monastery” in that is takes the beatmap-roadmap concept from “Vib Ribbon”.
Lost Garden
I ran into Daniel Cook at GDC, who gave me some useful advice on my thesis. This is really just a personal blog, as it turns out, but still worth checking out.
The guys works in Seattle, Washington DC. I might drop a mail updating him about my thesis, and ask him questions on some of the game companies he might know.
He provides some free art for indie developers under the creative commons license. Sweet.
Interview with Masaya Matsuura
Masaya Matsuura, creator of PaRappa the Rapper, talks about his newest game, Major Minor’s Majestic Marck, as well as his thoughts on music game.
Marching To His Own Drummer: Masaya Matsuura’s Thoughts
Article about HUD in Console Games
Here’s an article about games the attempts to reduce heads-up display. This is essentially what I have been trying to do….
Flash Game Designers on Music Games
I have came across a lot of music games done by Coolio Niato on Newground and Addicting Games. Some of the ideas are quite creative.
I haven’t been able to find his website, and it’s not until recently when I found an interview of him here:
Keeping the beat with Coolio Niato on Armor Blog
How I wish I found this earlier (Oh wait, it’s done at the beginning this year, huh?) It looks like he is into the idea of hybriding music games with other game genres as well. The one I remember most is Music In Motion, a musicial platformer game I’ve mentioned earlier.
I also found out that another game of his, Rhythmworld, allows users to use any song from Newground Audio portal and make a level for it. The beatmapping is done by handsyncing (manually tapping to the music).
Wii Music
I’ve rented this and toyed around with it for about half an hour. My thoughts are somewhat similar with this review here:
Wii Music game review on Gamespot
It’s a good reference on how the Wiimote can imitate different instruments. I’m just not sure how much of a “game” is there; the game stages are not clear with its objective and challenges. The improv part is probably funner.
Music Game and Action Game Fusion Example
Two music games that plays like action games, where music is used as a cue for what’s coming up.
Music Catch
It seems like another music game where the stage is created from a chosen music. Players have to use the mouse cursor to catch floating shapes, which seems to behave depending on the music played. A downloabable version allows users to specify their own music as well.
The objective is to collect as many points as possible. Yellow ones will increase your score while red ones will hurt you. Purple once will help you suck in all the scoring shapes. I personally enjoy watching the screen while having the music quoing possible waves of assaults.
MGMT’s “Electric Feel”
Other than the official music video, MGMT has another Electric Feel interactive video, where different video clips can be mixed and composited.
The video is downloadable here.